Promotion of equality, support of families

The University of Rostock and LIKAT are certified equal opportunity employers. The concepts of Familienfreundliche Hochschule (University of Rostock) and Total E-Quality (LIKAT) will be advertised in the RTG. The PIs commit to address the aspects of equality and to communicate and implement all measures. At the beginning of the funding period, all members are informed about their rights and obligations by the equal opportunity officers of the institutions in an obligatory formal meeting. The Graduate Academy at the University of Rostock offers dedicated courses and workshops in the field of gender equality and career promotion for women, such as coaching and career counselling (e.g. KarriereWegeMentoring). The RTG board is obligated to inform about these activities. All respective fees are covered by the RTG. In addition, the RTG informs about conferences specialized in the scientific exchange between women and provides travel funds. In addition, we are planning a symposium where female scientists in academic and industrial leadership positions will discuss their career paths with members of the RTG. Such an event could become part of the annual Alumni Day established at LIKAT. To support young researchers with children, they have the opportunity to request student assistants to perform routine work. It is expected that about six student assistants per year are required. For scientists with children, remote work is supported so they can stay with their children if they are sick, or childcare is not available. Data evaluation, programming, and writing of manuscripts can be done remotely if suitable equipment is available. Accordingly, the RTG finances hardware and software for remote work through a global gender equality funds, which will be set up. The University of Rostock provides privileged access to several childcare facilities. For instance, it has a cooperation treaty with the “Gesellschaft für Gesundheit und Pädagogik” that is responsible for five day-care facilities near campus. Childcare provided by a certified day care provider during times of closure of day care centres or in times of an increased demand for childcare is accessible through the LIKAT's Equal Opportunity Officer. The RTG will inform about these options and cover all fees. In general, the RTG will collect detailed information about the offers of the university, collaborating institutions, and the city with respect to childcare and family support and will counsel all participants of the RTG about the various options. This includes also measures within the Professorinnenprogramm of the university such as short-term scholarships to finalize a dissertation, to re-enter science after a family related break, or to prepare a project proposal. Infrastructure and equipment for the demands of families, e.g., in the family rooms are provided and financed by the host institutions.
LIKAT has very recently appointed Dr. Milica Feldt, an independent junior research group leader from 1.1.2022, who will be fully financed by self-acquired funds from the Leibniz Competition "Leibniz Junior Research Groups". Her funding is secured for five years. She will act as a full PI in the RTG and run her own independent research programme.